Response to the DRC’s false accusations and misguided attacks on international partnerships
[Rwanda News Agency - Rwanda] - 20/02/2025
Since 2019, PSG (Paris Saint-Germain) has been linked to Rwanda by a partnership that brings in nearly €15 million per year to the French club. (B. Papon/L’Équipe) The Government of Rwanda rejects recent attempts by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to undermine Rwanda’s international (…)
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Dans les journaux rwandais
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Response to the DRC’s false accusations and misguided attacks on international partnerships
Since 2019, PSG (Paris Saint-Germain) has been linked to Rwanda by a partnership that brings in nearly €15 million (…)
[Rwanda News Agency] - 20/02/2025
[Rwanda News] - 13/02/2025
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